Monday, December 31

Bye-bye 2007 and welcome 2008

I'm not sure if I'll have the time to blog later so might as well greet you all a
Happy New Year!
Career life in 2007 was a whirlwind. Admitedly I am still confused. I am taking another risk and I am not saying that this is the right nor the wrong move. I just hope that it'll be more stable this time.
Health-wise, I can be called "batang sipon-in" of the year. I also had an emergency room experience -- that was bad! I also experienced flu and you know why? Because I had no regular exercise.
I look forward to a better and brighter 2008.

Friday, December 28

The Break

It’s my first time to experience a long holiday break. Two weeks to be exact, excluding weekends, and I’m really really enjoying it. I don’t think I’ll be able to experience this again, not for the next 5 years. Don’t get confused but there’s a story behind this and you’ll know soon.

Going back, now that I’m on break I was hoping to catch some great movies on cable. But for days, I’m not having my luck. Of course there are great shows on TV but what I was expecting was something like, “Great that we don’t have work and I was able to get to see this.”

It’s good that I have a list of my things to do and that is what’s making this vacation worth while -- that I get to put a check mark for those items considered as done such as cleaning my room, filing receipts, printing of pictures, doing a scrapbook etc.

I hope you guys enjoyed the holidays.
Although it’s been said many times, many ways,

“Merry Christmas, to you!!!”