Monday, July 24


It's been years (and dont ask) since I went clubbing. Major reason was of course my work schedule for the past two years which really didnt give me that opportunity and second, most of my friends are not into it. They feel like it's for the young ones. But I totally disagree...dancing is for everyone and for all ages.

Last Saturday was my second visit to Streetscape. The first one was worth blogging too. Imagine this: 10:30pm while drinking San Mig Light and eating nachos, you suddenly hear someone singing..."The Greatest Love of oooooollllll!!!!!!" Hello?!! Is this a noontime variety show? Oh well, that was the cue for us to leave. In fairness, they started well. Now, going back, the band last saturday was quite better in terms of repertoire. What was my gauge for me to say that? (1) We were able to last till past 12mn and (2) Christian danced!!!!!! (hurrah...clap clap clap).

I really want to try new places so if you happen to know one, please send me SMS.


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