Monday, May 1


I've been wondering for almost 2 years what makes people work for 12 hours, or more, in the office (oh at least I'm referring to my co-workers). I think I have the answer to that question -- commitment! Either commitment to your job, to your organization (since they pay you hopefully well) or to the people (wow, very customer service oriented). Yesterday on my way home from *Boracay, a guy met me in the bus terminal, person in-charge of my transfers. He asked me to register, gave me a sticker and also briefed me on some instructions. As I arrived in Kalibo airport....there he is again, this time placing tags around checked-in baggages. Then I saw him again when the plane arrived providing assistance (like welcoming guests) in the terminal and by the time we were asked to on-board the plane, he's the one getting the terminal fee ticket from all passengers. Now, that's what you call multi-tasking...under the scourging heat of the sun!

Seriously speaking,that is very admirable of that person. I don't know what his motivations are but that kind of commitment is something that management, of Asian Spirit, should recognize. Bow po ako sa inyo Sir and how idealistic but I hope there'll be more employees with that kind of attitude.

*there will definitely be a separate entry on this


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