Friday, October 29

It's what????

I got a call from my mom's friend inviting her (my mom) to join their office's Trick or Treat party. Then it dawned upon me that it's Halloween!!! I looked at my last entry and noticed it was last Oct. 10. Where was I??? How come I didn't notice the time? Perhaps, I was too occupied with work, plus the fact that I'm asleep during the day, that I didn't notice these things anymore.
For the past 7 years, halloween used to be a big event and a busy season for me. Everyone in the office are busy decorating the premises, all eager to win the grand prize, buying candies for the children, looking for costumes to wear. On the day itself, we're totally unproductive because of the programs and games for the kids. How I miss doing that. Sad to say but we don't celebrate it here in my new office (which is weird given that halloween is a big thing in the US). I guess, the salsa party Karen, Aldrich and I attended last night (only for an hour) at Cafe Havanna was already our way of celebrating Halloween.
I hope I was able to see my nephew wear his Winnie the Pooh costume, but Auntie Ninang is asleep!
Happy Halloween folks!


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