Sunday, September 19

Career Search

Three weeks ago I mentioned about one of my closest friends asking for an advice with regard to her career. She gave downbeat comments about the work, the people and even the compensation she’s getting. Just a week ago, while I was reading an article on “Work Values of Successful Filipinos,” it mentioned that low performers (on the job) would often complain about their work (i.e. measures workload as against what they receive, not flexible to do other tasks). Perhaps it may be true but it can also be that these people are not really happy where they are right now that’s why they complain. So let me share some of the questions I ask when people come to me and seek for career soul searching.

1. What kind of life do you want?
Your work should not be your life (that’s when ‘burn-out’ sets in), therefore choose a career that you think will go together with the kind of life you envision. It boils down to asking, “What do I want to happen 5,10 or 20 years from now?” Do you want to manage a big group and at the same time guided by structures/systems or perhaps manage your own business and be able to experiment? Do you want more time with your kids, meaning being able to work at home?

2. What is/are the reason/s why you left your previous work?
This will help you avoid the same mistakes. Be cautious in choosing the company/department to work for. If there is a long checklist of points to consider, this “list of things to avoid” will be the first. (send me a note in case you’re interested to know the checklist)

3. What is it that you enjoy doing and are very good at?
Even in business, people advise that you venture into something you really love doing. Then, you will never consider what you do as work. It’s a big plus if this is your talent and skill. So try to recall what activities back in grade school, high school or college you excelled in. Or remember what things have you done in the past that deserved a compliment.

And the last step, look for a job that fits the answers to the three questions.


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Rabbit said...

"Three weeks ago I mentioned about one of my closest friends asking for an advice with regard to her career"

The sentence seems awkward. Try replacing "mentioned about" and "asking for an advice" with "mentioned that" and "asked for advice".

You can also also try "talked about" ;-)

At 4:57 AM, Blogger The Mermaid said...

Ahme teacher, thanks!
I had this dream that you printed all my blog posts and made grammar corrections. Well, it seems that it's not anymore a dream...

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Rabbit said...

Well I wouldn't go as far as printing the whole blog. I'll try to live up to your dream nonetheless.

BTW, try "it's not a dream anymore".


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