Friday, September 8

Dream Come True?

Yesterday, I saw a college friend and had some little talk with him. The usual where are you working now, what have you been up to since we graduated, etc etc. The interesting part is finding out that he is a part time instructor for body combat and cycling. Isn't that cool? It has been a forever 'what if' for me thinking what if I pursued a career in dancing. Back when I was in 4th year high, I was willing to take a diploma course in lieu of a college degree just to pursue my passion. But I chose to follow the normal path -- find work in the corporate world, be a slave to whoever . But last night, it was like "Hey, am I hearing it right?" ---- My guy friend invited me to teach dance class in the gym where he is working. I really don't know what to feel, to be honest. I haven't been dancing regularly since I graduated but deep inside I know this is what I want to do. So, let's see in the future. Hang on to my blog so you get to find out if this dream becomes a reality.


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