Monday, January 10

Healing After the Tragedy

Nah, I wouldn’t be talking here about the tsunami or the flood that affected several areas in my home country. This is more personal. Allow me to be egotistic. Anyway, isn’t this MY BLOG???

I was reading letters from friends dated two years ago. I thought of this Virginia Slims ad that says: “YOU HAVE COME A LONG WAY!” I’m not even going to reminisce about what I went through two years ago or the challenges that I had to overcome. What is important is that I know I am SOOO out of the hole now – it’s because I never gave up and fought for it! I never thought I could handle more than I think I can. Not because I handled everything on my own but I learned how to help myself and know when to ask help from others. Remember the saying that when God closes a door, he opens a window? I think I’ve finally noticed the window plus I’ve found another door :-) As what my friend, Hannah, would say, “Rens, you’re a kick-ass bitch!” I am and I’m proud to be one :-)


At 12:52 AM, Blogger Rabbit said...

Right on bro!


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