Monday, March 27


I woke up feeling great today but not that energized to do work. Ironic? Hmmm..let's put it this way. Physically I feel like I lost some lbs. (just a feeling and I'm not sure about that), I'm now back to dancing (a passion that will never change till the day I die) and it also felt great spending time with family yesterday. However, there will always be 'kontribidas' in life and right now that is work :-)

I usually do my weekly activity planning every Sunday but yesterday I chose not to. I was given a task/project which I'm not sure and dont even know where to start. I'm so clueless!!!! If and only if I can just avoid it. But noooo!!!! I have to deliver it. Being positive, I like to psych my self "Rena, this will make you a better person. You will learn a lot of things and that will make you saleable...hehehe"

*Sabi ko na nga ba, I'm in the wrong profession. Dapat nag-dancer na lang ako*


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