Tuesday, December 6


I'm not in a writing mood today but let me just share a significant event last week.

At last, I'm done with my
class and most importantly with my paper!!!! I initially thought I wouldn't make it to the deadline but hey, I was able to submit a week before the deadline. Let me thank people who helped me make this possible:

1. my former co-workers, who gave me all the data I needed and allowed me to research (Annie, Joel, Hannah, Mona, Marje, Kata and Odie)
2. my MBA colleagues who shared their papers (Rhonna, Mon, Jenny and Jo)
3. my MBA collegues who gave me some tips and was willing to answer questions (Volt, Berdie, Bheng,
Donna and Lyn)
4. of course my family who was very patient with me...during the times when I was screaming to death, hoping that I didnt take this course; the times when I have to be grumpy because I lack sleep; the times I can't make it during family affairs because I have to do my paper...and more
ahme, for helping me finish my paper -- for all the ideas, suggestions, grammar check, financials etc.; for all the patience (everytime I whine and nag for answers), for just staying home for the past 4 weeks just to help me with this...

Whew! In case I miss out on someone, I'll just add later. But I'm really thankful. God is so good.


At 2:28 PM, Blogger donna_chocnut said...

huwaw rena, galing, you did it! congrats! =)

At 6:06 AM, Blogger The Mermaid said...

thanks...nagka-trauma ata ako eh...hehehe


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