Wednesday, May 18


Just looking at my work schedule for the next half of 2005 scares the hell out of me. More deliverables, more deadlines and a lot of programs to faciliate. I don't know but I've been doing these for the past 7 years of my career life yet I still feel the goose bumps and 'butterflies in my stomach' when that day comes. Let me analyze it....hmmm....oh, I now understand why....
1. It makes me unproductive-- 9 hours in the office and I'm spending all of it running a seminar or facilitating a workshop? What about my other desk work (and other personal stuff...hehehe)?
2. It's physically draining -- yep, try standing for 6 hours while wearing high-heeled shoes (Of course I want to look professional and smart while in front). And everytime i teach, I say to myself it should always be 'perfromance-level.' So just imagine the amount of energy I bring in just to energize my participants.
3. Mentally and emotionally challenging -- especialy if you have participants who I consider as 'intellectually challenged'

But of course there are a lot more advantages than the ones I wrote. Still, I'm thankful that I have a job that I like. Like is not the right term, but LOVE. Yes, I am in-love with my job and that for me says it all :-)


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