Thursday, August 5

Warrior of the Light

The unexpected happens when you least expect it! Well, things haven't been going well lately and I'm referring here to my health. It started with my tummy (which i thought twas my appendix), then my intestines and now here comes Mr. Cardiologist saying negative results of my ECG! I can relate to Alanis' 'Ironic' -- for someone who 'excretes' regularly, for someone who's active...tsk tsk. Now let's see what will happen next. But for the meantime, I'd like to share this:

"A Warrior of the Light practices a powerful exercise for inner growth: He pays attention to the things he does automatically, such as breathing, blinking, or noticing the things around him.

He uses this technique whenever he is faced with a difficult situation."
--- Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light


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